Trafostacja Sztuki w Szczecinie ul. Świętego Ducha 4 Wto-Czw & Nie / Tue-Thu & Sun 11:00-19:00 Pt-Sob / Fri-Sat 11:00-21:00


Available at TRAFO Books & Coffee.

edited by: Anna Ciabach, Stanisław Ruksza
designed by: Piotr Nikodem Wardziukiewicz
stories told by, among others, Kraz, Lump and Mariusz Waras (M-CITY)
translated by: Kryzys Andrzej Wojtasik
published by: TRAFO Center for Contemporary Art


Fri 10 Dec 2021
release date
Fri 10 Jun 2022 —
Sun 12 Jun 2022

Hunting for Painting / I hear you!

Sun 12 Jun 2022
spacer z Przemkiem Głową (start na przystanku autobusu linii 53 przy ul. Milczańskiej)


See also

“Murals of Szczecin” is an album promoting the most interesting mural projects in Szczecin. The book tells the story of the city’s outdoor art created in the last decades from the artists’ perspective. It is an accessible – but non-linear – recount of the current situation and potential of the local art circles, including some fascinating urban legends. The editors – Anna Ciaach and StanisĹ‚aw Ruksza, talk to Lump, Kraz and Mariusz Waras – the artists who have been involved in street art and murals for years. The interviews are illustrated by a photographic overview of the most important projects. The publication is accompanied by a location map for you to explore the murals of Szczecin.

“Wall paintings have been and still are a commentary on current socio-cultural situations, or they bring out the hidden or forgotten history of places where they are created. They also manifest the independence of various groups/millieus and stimulate critical thinking”. (Anna Ciabach, Stanisław Ruksza)

“At that time a few people were painting. United Clan was active and you could see their tags everywhere. I decided to do something like that. I bought paints and instead of a bicycle I painted the whole school and all the blocks around”. (KRAZ)

And when I received the Marshall Scholarship, I was wearing an Intruder sweatshirt that said “ALL MY FRIENDS ARE CRIMINALS” and I said that I am grateful to the subculture I grew up in… (LUMP)


The publication was created as part of special-purpose subsidy of the City of Szczecin for the task “Murals of Szczecin”.