The headshots series features artists who have not had an opportunity to circulate their works on the Polish art market, “a minus”. As Internet bard Klucuch used to say: „lucky draw join me ring ring ring ring.” We do not follow any competition rules here, we are not guided by cronyism or any thought-out rules for the selection of the exhibited. Cool? Cool. Okay, we will put together a show. To sum up, the headshots series is a one-shot attempt at success or failure. The curators of the project are Daria Grabowska and Andrzej Witczak.
The exhibition No Country for Detail Lovers* features the work of Marcin Krawczyk. The artist uses canvas to present the identities of his close relatives, friends and places. He breaks the above down into prime factors and “dresses” them in an almost architectural form. We noticed the artist during the exhibitions held at the end of the academic year at the Poznań University of Arts. Krawczyk graduated from the above university. He has frequently participated in the series of AK30 exhibitions in Poznań. He is also a laureate of the 39th edition of Maria Dokowicz Competition.
*The title paraphrases the words of Tomasz Jastrun that were also used by Filip Springer in his book A Bathtub with a Colonnade. A Book of Reportage on Polish Space.